Download manual pis cofins 2017

Xxvii efeitos tributarios relacionados aos novos metodos e criterios contabeis xxviii perguntas e respostas 2017 arquivo unico. Interpretation on icms exclusion of piscofins tax basis. Manual operacional geracao do arquivo sped fiscal piscofins. Em relacao ao manual do leiaute da efdcontribuicoes, instituido. Efdpiscofins pa maio2011 07072011 efdpis cofins pa julho. Reduz as aliquotas do pispasep e da cofins incidentes na. After the adjustment is posted, it can be viewed in the tax assessment. You can make manual adjustment transactions to adjust the credit or debit of pis and cofins amounts that are reported in records m220, m225, m620, m625, m110, m115, m510, and m515. In fiscal books, you can create and post a journal for manual pis and cofins tax adjustments by using the adjustment codes that are defined by the tax authority.

Efd contribuicoes piscofins 15 mar 2017 15 mar 2017 auxiliofiscal. Setting up additional information for efd piscofins. After almost ten years on standby, on march 15, 2017 the supreme court of justice stf. Pis e cofins regime nao cumulativo e cumulativo versao 2. Como utilizar creditos do piscofins sobre fretes sped easy. You can add pis and cofins substitution tax information to the notas fiscais in purchase and sales scenarios. Set up adjustment codes for pis and cofins taxes brazil. Receitanet receitanetbx validador ecd validador ecf validador efd icmsipi validador efdcontribuicoes visualizador sped. Permite o download da efd do proprio contribuinte enviada ao.

Efdpiscofins pa maio2011 07072011 efdpiscofins pa julho2011 07092011 efdpiscofins pa dezembro2011 07022012 efdpiscofins pa janeiro2012 07032012 efdpis. May 17, 20 veja como realizar o lancamento do abatimento do saldo credor do mes anterior, quando no mes atual tambem havera saldo credor. Manual pis cofins v3 imposto sobre o valor acrescentado. Instrutor credenciado pela iacafm em ifrs no brasil. The brazilian fiscal authority created a new electronic reporting requirement as part of the sped fiscal initiative. The system stores the pis and cofins substitution basis, rate, and tax for each detail line of the nota fiscais in the nf detail piscofins table bra 76b f76b031. This requirement is outlined in the legal resolution in10522010 for pispasep and cofins taxes contribution for the financing of social security. Enter pis and cofins tax adjustment transactions brazil. Reliable documentation for gathering icms due amounts. The system stores the pis and cofins substitution basis, rate, and tax for each detail line of the nota fiscais in the nf detail pis cofins table bra 76b f76b031.

Edicao thomson reuters selo editorial fiscosoft data. Publicacao do manual atualizado do leiaute 5 da ec. This requirement is outlined in the legal resolution in10522010 for pispasep and cofins taxes. Coautor dos livros manual irpf, dmed, dacon e guia do pis pasep e cofins ate 2012, todos da editora iob. Entretanto, os valores pagos, creditados, entregues, empregados ou remetidos a residentes ou.

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